Sunday, May 18, 2014


After a fun weekend, I am back to studying. The theme of today was wiring. I learned about fiber, coax and Ethernet. I knew about all of this stuff before but I found out how it worked. I learned why fiber is so expensive, how Ethernet is a bunch of wires inside a giant wire (like a sausage) and different types of coaxial. I can actually kind of use this when talking to our clients at work.

 As I noted, I know what I need to know for my job, but I want to be the master at my job. Another thing is that I would like to avoid clients talking about stuff that I do not have any expertise on even though it is not required.

As a last note, there was more information on different devices such as a mouse, keyboard, MIDI, and printers. Here's a helpful tip, most devices connect w USB. It's better that way. It's so much less confusing.

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